1. Introduction

Hello there! If you are reading this, you must be curious about CANdidates.

CANdidates is a powerful and optimized contact management app for job recruiters to manage job candidates and job listings. A key strength of CANdidates is its convenience and ease of managing all job-related contacts in a single application. Additionally, it is an offline application that does not require an internet connection to function. No need to worry about disconnecting from the internet anymore!

If you find yourself having difficulty in managing job candidates and positions, then CANdidates is the perfect tool for you! Use this user guide to discover the amazing functions and features of CANdidates! Although CANdidates is simple and intuitive enough to use without having to read this user guide, we still recommend that you read through in order to fully utilise CANdidates.

Before you get thrown off by some of the more technical terms used in this user guide, you may be happy to know that a glossary is provided at the end of this document and may be of help to you!

1.1 Authors

CANdidates is developed as part of a NUS CS2103T Project by:

2. Preface

For a smoother start to your usage of CANdidates, read this section to find out how this document is structured, how to navigate the document and what all the symbols, special fonts and command formats mean.

2.1 Understanding this Document

This User Guide is structured into 9 sections so that it is easy to read and navigate!
These are the 9 sections and a short explanation of what they are for:

Section Title What is it for
1. Introduction An introduction to CANdidates and the amazing team behind it!
2. Preface A warm-up to get you familiar with this document. This is the section you are reading now.
3. Quick Start A quick guide to start using CANdidates for those of you who are very eager to begin using our application!
4. Features for Candidates An exhaustive list of commands to manage your list of candidates. Learn about the command formats, view examples and step-by-step instructions here.
5. Features for Jobs An exhaustive list of commands to manage your job listings. Learn about the command formats, view examples and step-by-step instructions here.
6. Other Features A list of general features not specific to candidates or job listings.
7. FAQ Frequently Asked Questions that we receive. Take a look here if you have any lingering questions to see if they have been answered.
8. Command Summary A table that summarises the commands and their respective formats. This is convenient as a quick reference for commands.
9. Glossary An explanation of certain specialised terms used in this document.

2.2 Understanding Symbols

This section explains all the symbols and fonts used in this document.

Symbols/Font Explanation
command Words that are highlighted in grey indicate that the words are describing a typed command. It could be a command format, a full command or part of a command.
{Description} Curly braces indicates a variable field that is described by Description. This is used to display results of commands that vary depending on a user’s specific data. For example, the number of jobs in the list is variable and would depend on the user’s data, hence this is represented as {Number of jobs} in this User Guide.
:black_nib: An example of how to use the feature.
:memo: Additional comments on the section or sub-section being explained.
:bulb: Useful tips that you can keep in mind when exploring the application or this document.
:exclamation: Precautions you should take note of when using the application.

2.3 Understanding the CANdidates GUI

The figure below shows an annotated version of the GUI, to help you in understanding some of the technical terms used regarding our GUI.
You may refer back to this section whenever you need help understanding the GUI terms.

Annotated GUI

:memo: In the Tab Buttons, the tab you are currently on is marked as red. i.e. “Jobs” button is in red as the list currently shows the list of jobs.
:memo: The current application window does not support resizing.
:bulb: The display panel is scrollable! Keep this tip in mind so that you do not miss out on any information!

2.4 Understanding Input Fields

Input fields are fields that you specify in your commands to tell CANdidates exactly what you wish to do, such as the information to store. Most input fields have specific requirements that have to be fulfilled or CANdidates will not be able to understand you! The table below provides a summary of the requirements, but do not worry if you cannot remember them because CANdidates will notify you with an error message if any of these requirements are not met, and you can then make the relevant changes!

If you feel unsure while exploring this section due to the lack of prior context, fret not! You will certainly understand better when you read about the commands in the later sections. Try taking a quick glance at the command formats in Section 4. Features for Candidates or Section 5. Features for Jobs!

You may refer to this table whenever you need help understanding the input fields.

Name of input field How to use them
NAME Name of candidate being added or edited.
:memo: Names should contain only alphanumerical values or spaces.
PHONE_NUMBER Contact number of candidate or job listing being added or edited.
EMAIL Contact email address of candidate or job listing being added or edited.
:exclamation: CANdidates does not check that the email exists, only that the format is correct.
:bulb:If you entered an erroneous email address, use the edit can or edit job feature to correct it.
ADDRESS Residential address of a candidate or work address of a job listing.
YEARS_OF_EXPERIENCE Years of experience of the candidate in the relevant job he/she applied for.
:memo: This field accepts up to 2 decimal points excluding trailing zeroes.
DATE_OF_APPLICATION Date of application submitted by candidate.
:memo: Date should be in the format of DD-MM-YY
:bulb: Day and Month can be 1 or 2 digits as long as they are valid.
:black_nib: If the date of application is 31 September 2021, input doa/31-9-21
EXPECTED_SALARY Expected salary of a candidate in dollars.
:memo: This field accepts only whole numbers.
:bulb: You can round up the figure to the next whole number if needed.
IS_BLACKLISTED Blacklist status of a candidate. You may use this to blacklist candidates that are unresponsive, have poor attitude, etc.
:memo: This field only accepts 2 specific values: true or false.
PROFILE_LINK URL link to candidate profile or portfolio (e.g. LinkedIn or GitHub, etc.) to provide convenience for you to refer to their profile later on.
:exclamation: CANdidates does not check that the URL address exists, only that the format is correct.
:bulb:If you entered an erroneous URL address, use the edit can feature to correct it.
JOB_TYPE Job type tags for candidates so that it will be easier to find candidates applying for similar jobs. For example, you can tag them according to the job industry.
:memo: Job type should be one word, made up of up to 20 alphanumerical values with no spaces.
JOB_TITLE Title of a job position.
:memo: Job titles should contain only alphanumerical values or spaces.
COMPANY_NAME Name of the company for the job listing you are adding or editing.
VACANCY Vacancy of a job listing i.e. Number of available slots open for hiring.
:memo: This field accepts only whole numbers from 0 to 99.
PRIORITY Priority of a job listing. Job listings may be of different urgency levels and this field is used to indicate the urgency.
:memo: This field only accepts 3 specific values: low, moderate or high.
JOB_DESCRIPTION Job description tags for job listings to specify additional descriptions. For example, you can specify requirements of the job such as age or skill level.
:memo: Job description should be one word, made up of up to 20 alphanumerical values with no spaces.
FIELD_TO_SORT Input field that is exclusive for sort can and sort job commands, to specify the field that the candidate or job list is sorted by.
:memo: This field only accepts specific values described in the sort can and sort job subsections.
ORDER Input field that is exclusive for sort can and sort job commands, to specify the sort order.
:memo: This field only accepts 2 specific values: asc or desc.
INDEX Index number of the candidate or job displayed in the list.
:memo: The index must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …​

2.5 Understanding Command Format

This section explains how to interpret all the command formats which you will encounter in Section 4. Features for Candidates, Section 5. Features for Jobs and Section 6. Other Features. This will help you to understand CANdidates’ features better.

  • Command formats are highlighted in grey as mentioned in Section 2.2. Understanding Symbols

  • Words in UPPER_CASE are the input fields which are supposed to be specified by you.
    e.g. in add n/NAME, NAME is a input field which can be used as add n/John Doe.

  • Items in square brackets are optional.
    e.g c/COMPANY_NAME [t/JOB_DESCRIPTION] can be used as c/Samsung t/ContractWorker or just c/Samsung.

  • Items with after them can be used multiple times including zero times. You can put as much information as you want to!
    e.g. [t/JOB_TYPE]… can be used as t/accountant (i.e. 1 time), t/programmer t/technician (i.e. 2 times) etc.

  • Input fields can be in any order you want them to be.
    e.g. if the command specifies n/NAME p/PHONE_NUMBER, p/PHONE_NUMBER n/NAME is also acceptable.

  • If there are multiple inputs for the same input field, only the last one will be accepted. The only exception is the tag field for add and edit commands as there can be multiple tags.

:bulb: If you need help with the various input fields, refer to Section 2.4. Understanding Input Fields.

3. Quick Start

Can’t wait to start using CANdidates? This section guides you through the starting up process, so that you can proceed on to use the application for your own needs!

  1. Download the latest Candidates.jar file from here.

  2. Copy the file to the folder you want to use as the home folder for your CANdidates.

  3. Double-click the file to start the app. The GUI similar to the below should appear in a few seconds. Note how the app contains some sample data.

  4. Type the command in the command box and press Enter to execute it. e.g. typing help and pressing Enter will open the help window.
    Some example commands you can try:

    • list can : Lists all candidates.

    • add cann/John Doe p/98765432 e/johnd@example.com a/John street, block 123, #01-01 exp/5 doa/15-10-20 : Adds a candidate named John Doe with phone number 98765432, email johnd@example.com, address John street, block 123, #01-01, years of experience 5 and date of application 15th October 2020 to the candidates list.

    • delete can3 : Deletes the 3rd candidate shown in the current candidates list.

    • clear can : Deletes all candidates.

    • exit : Exits the app.

  5. Refer to Section 4. Features for Candidates, Section 5. Features for Jobs and Section 6. Other Features for details of each command.

:exclamation: Ensure you have Java 11 or above installed in your Computer.
:bulb: If you are confused with the various input fields, refer to Section 2.4. Understanding Input Fields.

4. Features for Candidates

This section provides you with features to handle all information of candidates for your utmost convenience!
Refer to Section 5. Features for Jobs for features specific to jobs or to Section 6. Other Features for more general features.

4.1 Adding a candidate: add can

If you have a new candidate who approached you and you would like to put him in CANdidates, you can add him into the list using the command below.


:bulb: If you’re unsure of what you are supposed to input in each field, refer to Section 2.4. Understanding Input Fields.
:exclamation: If IS_BLACKLISTED is not specified, it will be set to false by default.


:black_nib: To add a candidate with name John Doe, phone 98765432, email johnd@example.com, address John street, block 123, #01-01, job type DogGroomer, with 1 year of experience who applied on 16 October 2020,

add can n/John Doe p/98765432 e/johnd@example.com a/John street, block 123, #01-01 
t/DogGroomer exp/1 doa/16-10-20

:black_nib: To add a candidate with name Betsy Crowe, email betsycrowe@example.com, address NUS Temasek Hall, phone 92920033, job types HR and OfficeLady, with 5 years of experience who applied on 10 October 2020, with profile link BetsyCrowe.com, who will not be blacklisted with an expected salary of 3000,

add can n/Betsy Crowe e/betsycrowe@example.com a/NUS Temasek Hall p/92920033 
t/HR t/OfficeLady exp/5 doa/10-10-20 link/BetsyCrowe.com bl/false sal/3000

Step by Step:

Step 1. Type add can n/John Doe p/98765432 e/johnd@example.com a/John street, block 123, #01-01 t/DogGroomer exp/1 doa/16-10-20 in the command box and press Enter.

Add Candidate 1

Step 2. The CANdidates application will show the following message in the result display.

New person added: John Doe Phone: 98765432 Email: johnd@example.com Experience: 1.0 years Date of Application: 16-10-20 Address: John street, block 123, #01-01 Link: Expected Salary: Blacklisted: false Tags: [DogGroomer].

Step 3. The application will show the updated list of candidates with the newly added candidate in the main list.

Add Candidate 2

4.2 Listing all candidates: list can

To accurately reflect the latest changes of candidates in the application, you can refresh the list of candidates using the format below.

Format: list can

:bulb: This command can be used after a find can command to show the full list of candidates again.

4.3 Editing a candidate: edit can

If you would like to edit the details of a particular candidate, you can use the command below.


:memo: Existing values will be updated to the input values.
:memo: At least one of the optional fields must be provided.
:exclamation: When editing the job type, the existing job types will be cleared and replaced, i.e editing of job types is not cumulative even though there can be multiple job types.
:bulb: Certain optional candidate fields can be cleared by typing their respective prefixes without specifying any value after them. This works for the job type, address, expected salary and profile link fields. See the second example below for a demonstration.


:black_nib: To edit the 1st candidate’s phone number, email and blacklist status to be 91234567, johndoe@example.com and true respectively,

edit can 1 p/91234567 e/johndoe@example.com bl/true

:black_nib: To edit the 2nd candidate and clear existing job types, address, expected salary and profile link,

edit can 2 t/ a/ sal/ link/ 

Step by Step:

Step 1. Ensure there is at least 1 candidate in the candidates list.
Type edit can 1 p/91234567 e/johndoe@example.com bl/true in the command box and press Enter.

Edit Can Step 1

Step 2. The result of the command in the result display will depend on the specific candidate that is being edited, specifically his/her input fields that were not edited. The message that will be shown in the result display is

Edited candidate: {Original Name} Phone: 91234567 Email: johndoe@example.com Experience: {Original Experience} Date of Application: {Original Date of Application} Address: {Original Address} Link: {Original Link} Expected Salary: {Original Expected Salary} Blacklisted: true Tags: {Original Tags}.

Step 3. The application will show the updated list of candidates with the edited candidate. Type view can 1 or click the edited candidate’s card to view the candidate’s new information in detail.

Edit Can Step 2

4.4 Finding a candidate: find can

Too many candidates with different information? CANdidates provide you with a simple and quick way for you to find candidates who fulfil certain criteria(s) or even a specific candidate from the long list. All you have to do is tell CANdidates the field you are interested in, along with the keyword you are looking for!


:memo: At least one of the optional fields must be provided.
:memo: The search is case insensitive, e.g. john will match John
:memo: The order of the keywords does not matter, e.g. Doe John will match John Doe
:memo: For number fields (i.e. phone, years of experience and expected salary), only exact matching results will be displayed. For the remaining fields, results containing and exactly matching the keywords will be displayed.
:memo: If you input multiple keywords for the tag field, candidates who have tags containing all the keywords will be displayed, e.g. find can t/teacher tuition will show a list of candidates with both the tags “teacher” and “tuition”
:bulb: If you do not want to see blacklisted candidates in the list, you can use the command find can bl/false, the resulting list will show only non-blacklisted candidates.
:bulb: If you want to find candidates with no expected salary, you can use the command sort can type/sal order/asc (Refer to Section 4.5, Sorting all candidates). Candidates with no expected salary will be displayed at the top of the list.


:black_nib: To find candidates with tag(s) containing the word “developer” and an expected salary of exactly $4000,

find can t/developer sal/4000

:black_nib: To find candidates who are blacklisted,

find can bl/true

Step by Step:

Step 1. Type find can n/David t/Teacher in the command box and press Enter.

Find Can Step 1

Step 2. The CANdidates application will show the following message in the result display.

{Number of candidates found} candidates listed!

Step 3. The application will show candidates with all matching fields in the main list.

Find Can Step 2

4.5 Sorting all candidates: sort can

You can view all the candidates in the order you wish to by typing in your desired order. Upon execution of the command, the sorted list of candidates would be displayed on the app!

Format: sort can type/FIELD_TO_SORT order/ORDER

:exclamation: Sorting will only apply to the current viewable list. e.g. Using sort can command after a find can command will only sort the list of candidates that were listed after the find can command.
:memo: The type input must be one of type/n, type/exp, type/sal, type/bl or type/doa depending on whether you wish to sort the candidates by their name, experience, expected salary, blacklist status or data of application respectively.
:memo: The order input must be specified as either order/asc or order/desc depending on whether you wish the sorting to be done in an ascending or descending manner.


:black_nib: To sort the list of candidates starting from the lowest number of years of experience,

sort can type/exp order/asc

:black_nib: To sort the list of candidates starting from the most recent application date,

sort can type/doa order/desc

:black_nib: To view all blacklisted candidates followed by non-blacklisted candidates,

sort can type/bl order/desc

Step by Step:

Step 1. Type sort can type/exp order/asc in the command box and press Enter.

Sort Can Step 1

Step 2. The CANdidates application will show the following message in the result display.

Successfully sorted list of candidates by years of experience in ascending order.

Step 3. The application will show the sorted candidates list based on the sort condition given.

Sort Can Step 2

4.6 Deleting a candidate: delete can

Have you successfully found a job for a candidate and you no longer need to keep his/her details in CANdidates? To delete a particular candidate from the list, you can use the command below.

Format: delete can INDEX

:exclamation: The specified candidate’s data will be cleared and this action is irreversible. Please ensure you do not require the candidate’s data anymore before performing this command.


:black_nib: To delete the candidate at index 1,

delete can 1

:black_nib: To delete the candidate at index 3,

delete can 3

Step by Step:

Step 1. Ensure there is at least 1 candidate in the candidate list.
Type delete can 1 in the command box and press Enter.

Delete Can Step 1

Step 2. The result of the command in the result display will depend on the specific candidate that is being deleted. The message that will be shown in the result display is

Deleted candidate: {Name} Phone: {Phone} Email: {Email} Experience: {Experience} Date of Application: {Date of application} Address: {Address} Link: {Link} Expected Salary: {Expected salary} Blacklisted: {Blacklist status} Tags: {Tags}

Step 3. The application will show the updated candidates list without the deleted candidate.

Delete Can Step 2

4.7 Viewing a candidate: view can

Want to view all the information of a particular candidate? CANdidates provides an easy way for you to do it! Simply utilise the command below to display all the information of a candidate on the display panel of the application!

Format view can INDEX

:exclamation: INDEX refers to the number beside the name of the candidate in the Main List. Thus INDEX cannot be a number lesser than the number beside the first candidate in the list or greater than the number beside the last candidate in the list.


:black_nib: To view the candidate at index 1,

view can 1

:black_nib: To view the candidate at index 3,

view can 3

Step by Step:

Step 1. Type view can 1 in the command box and press Enter.

View Can Step 1

Step 2. The command result will depend on the candidate you have selected to display on the detailed panel. The CANdidates application will show the following message in the result display

Display Candidate: {Name} Phone: {Phone} Email: {Email} Experience: {Experience} Date of Application: {Date of application} Address: {Address} Link: {Link} Expected Salary: {Expected salary} Blacklisted: {Blacklist status} Tags: {Tags}

Step 3. All the information of the specified candidate would be displayed on the display panel.

View Can Step 2

4.8 Clearing all candidate entries: clear can

Want to clear all the candidates in the list quickly without having to delete one by one? Simply use the command below!

Format: clear can

:exclamation: All candidate data will be cleared and this action is irreversible. Please ensure you do not require the candidate list data anymore before performing this command.
:bulb: This command can be used to clear the sample data on CANdidates when you first download it.

Step by Step:

Step 1. Type clear can in the command box and press Enter.

Clear Can Step 1

Step 2. The following message will be shown in the result display

Candidate list has been cleared!

Step 3. The application will show the updated candidate list which is empty.

Clear Can Step 2

5. Features for Jobs

This section provides you with features to handle all information of job listings for your utmost convenience!
Refer to Section 4. Features for Candidates for features specific to candidates or to Section 6. Other Features for more general features.

5.1 Adding a job listing: add job

If you are informed of a job opening and you would like to add it in CANdidates, you can add it into the list using the command below.


:bulb: If you’re unsure of what you are supposed to input in each field, refer to Section 2.4. Understanding Input Fields.
:exclamation: If PRIORITY is not specified, it will be set to moderate by default.


:black_nib: To add a job with job title Waiter, company name Amelia’s Eating House, phone 98765432, email ameliatjy@example.com, address Amelia Street, Block 123, #01-01, priority low, job description MultipleLocations and with 1 vacancy,

add job n/Waiter c/Amelia’s Eating House p/98765432 e/ameliatjy@example.com 
a/Amelia Street, Block 123, #01-01 pr/low t/MultipleLocations v/1

:black_nib: To add a job with job title Delivery Man, company name FedEx, email fedex@example.com, address Joo Koon,phone 93333222, priority high, job descriptions delivery and west, with 10 vacancies,

add job n/Delivery Man c/FedEx e/fedex@example.com a/Joo Koon p/93333222 
pr/high t/delivery t/west v/10

Step by Step:

Step 1. Type add job n/Waiter c/Amelia’s Eating House p/98765432 e/ameliatjy@example.com a/Amelia Street, Block 123, #01-01 pr/low t/MultipleLocations v/1 in the command box and press Enter.

Add Job 1

Step 2. The CANdidates application will show the following message in the result display.

New job added: Waiter Company: Amelia’s Eating House Phone: 98765432 Email: ameliatjy@example.com Address: Amelia Street, Block 123, #01-01 Priority: low Vacancy: 1 Tags: [MultipleLocations]

Step 3. The application will show the updated job listings with the newly added job in the main list.

Add Job 2

5.2 Listing all jobs: list job

To accurately reflect the latest changes of jobs in the application, you can refresh the job listings using the format below.

Format: list job

:bulb: This command can be used after a find job command to show the full list of job listings again.

5.3 Editing a job: edit job

If you would like to edit the details of a particular job, you can use the command below.


:memo: Existing values will be updated to the input values.
:memo: At least one of the optional fields must be provided.
:exclamation: When editing the job description, the existing job descriptions will be cleared and replaced, i.e editing of job descriptions is not cumulative even though there can be multiple job descriptions.
:bulb: Existing job descriptions can be cleared by typing t/ without specifying any value after it. See the second example below for a demonstration.


:black_nib: To edit the 1st job’s company name, phone number, vacancy and priority to be Dog Cafe, 82827731, 3 and high respectively,

edit job 1 c/Dog Cafe p/82827731 v/3 pr/high

:black_nib: To edit the 3rd job and clear existing job descriptions,

edit job 3 t/

Step by Step:

Step 1. Ensure there is at least 1 job in the jobs list.
Type edit job 1 c/Dog Cafe p/82827731 v/3 pr/high in the command box and press Enter.

Edit Job Step 1

Step 2. The result of the command in the result display will depend on the specific job that is being edited, specifically its input fields that were not edited. The message that will be shown in the result display is

Edited job: {Original Job Title} Company: Dog Cafe Phone: 82827731 Email: {Original Email} Address: {Original Address} Priority: high Vacancy: 3 Tags: {Original Tags}

Step 3. The application will show the updated list of jobs with the edited job. Type view job 1 or click the edited job’s card to view the job’s new information in detail.

Edit Job Step 2

5.4 Finding a job: find job

Too many job listings with different information? You can find job listings that have certain criteria(s) or even a specific one from the long list simply by inserting keywords for the field(s) you are looking for!


:memo: At least one of the optional fields must be provided.
:memo: The search is case insensitive, e.g. samsung will match Samsung
:memo: The order of the keywords does not matter, e.g. King Burger will match Burger King
:memo: For number fields (i.e. phone and vacancy), only exact matching results will be displayed. For the remaining fields, results containing and exactly matching the keywords will be displayed.
:memo: If you input multiple keywords for the tag field, job listings which have tags containing all the keywords will be displayed, e.g. find job t/cleaner fulltime will show a list of jobs with the tags “cleaner” and “fulltime”


:black_nib: To find jobs with email containing “@gmail.com” and priority level high,

find job e/@gmail.com pr/high

:black_nib: To find jobs with job titles containing the words “Software Engineer”,

find job n/Software Engineer

Step by Step:

Step 1. Type find job v/1 in the command box and press Enter.

Find Job Step 1

Step 2. The CANdidates application will show the following message in the result display

{Number of jobs found} jobs listed!

Step 3. The application will display jobs with all matching fields in the main list.

Find Job Step 2

5.5 Sorting all jobs: sort job

Have too many job listings and need a way to organise them? You can get CANdidates to help you do that by sorting them according to these fields: job title, company name, priority or vacancies.

Format sort job type/FIELD_TO_SORT order/ORDER

:exclamation: Sorting will only apply to the current viewable list. e.g. Using sort job command after a find job command will only sort the list of job listings that were listed after the find job command.
:memo: The FIELD_TO_SORT can be either n, c, pr or v depending on whether you wish to sort the job listings by the job title, company name, priority level or number of vacancies respectively.
:memo: The ORDER can be either asc or desc depending on whether you wish the sorting to be done in an ascending or descending manner.


:black_nib: To sort the list of jobs starting from lowest priority,

sort job type/pr order/asc

:black_nib: To sort the list of jobs starting from the highest number of vacancies,

sort job type/v order/desc

Step by Step:

Step 1. Type sort job type/pr order/asc in the command box and press Enter.

Sort Job Step 1

Step 2. The CANdidates application will show the following message in the result display

Successfully sorted jobs by priority in ascending order.

Step 3. The application will show the sorted job list based on the sort condition given.

Sort Job Step 2

5.6 Deleting a job: delete job

Have you successfully filled up the vacancies for a job listing and you no longer need to keep its details in CANdidates? To delete a particular job from the list, you can use the command below.

Format: delete job INDEX

:exclamation: The specified job’s data will be cleared and this action is irreversible. Please ensure you do not require the job’s data anymore before performing this command.


:black_nib: To delete the job at index 1,

delete job 1

:black_nib: To delete the job at index 3,

delete job 3

Step by Step:

Step 1. Ensure there is at least 1 job in the jobs list.
Type delete job 1 in the command box and press Enter.

Delete Job Step 1

Step 2. The result of the command in the result display will depend on the specific job that is being deleted. The message that will be shown in the result display is

Deleted Job: {Job Title} Company: {Company Name} Phone: {Phone} Email: {Email} Address: {Address} Priority: {Priority} Vacancy: {Vacancy} Tags: {Tags}

Step 3. The application will show the updated job list without the deleted job.

Delete Job Step 2

5.7 Viewing a job: view job

Want to view all the information of a particular job ? CANdidates provides an easy way for you to do it! Simply utilise the command below to display the all the information of a job on the display panel of the application!

Format view job INDEX

:exclamation: INDEX refers to the number beside the name of a job in the Main List. Thus INDEX cannot be a number lesser than the number beside the first job in the list or greater than the number beside the last job in the list.


:black_nib: To view the job at index 1,

view job 1

:black_nib: To view the job at index 3,

view job 3

Step by Step:

Step 1. Type view job 1 in the command box and press Enter.

View Job Step 1

Step 2. The command result will depend on the job you have selected to display on the detailed panel. The CANdidates application will show the following message in the result display

Display Job: {Job Title} Company: {Company Name} Phone: {Phone} Email: {Email} Address: {Address} Priority: {Priority} Vacancy: {Vacancy} Tags: {Tags}

Step 3. All the information of the specified job would be displayed on the display panel.

View Job Step 2

5.8 Clearing all job entries: clear job

Want to clear all the jobs in the list quickly without having to delete one by one? Simply use the command below!

Format: clear job

:exclamation: All job data will be cleared and this action is irreversible. Please ensure you do not require the job list data anymore before performing this command.
:bulb: This command can be used to clear the sample data on CANdidates when you first download it.

Step by Step:

Step 1. Type clear job in the command box and press Enter.

Clear Job Step 1

Step 2. The following message will be shown in the result display

Job list has been cleared!

Step 3. The application will show the updated job list which is empty.

Clear Job Step 2

6. Other Features

This section explores other general features that CANdidates has to offer!
Refer to Section 4. Features for Candidates for features specific to candidates or to Section 5. Features for Jobs for features specific to jobs.

6.1 Viewing help: help

If you are unsure of how to use the application, we have a help function that will direct you to our user guide! You might also find it helpful to refer to the summary of all the available commands here.

Format: help

Step by Step:

Step 1. Type help in the command box and press Enter.

help message 1

Step 2. The CANdidates application will show the following message in the result display.

Opened help window.

Step 3. The help window will appear as a pop-up and you may click on the “copy URL” button. This URL link will direct you to CANdidates’s User Guide, which is this document!

help message 3

6.2 Exiting the program : exit

Done with updating your information with CANdidates? Use this command to exit the program!


Format: exit

6.3 Detecting duplicate entries

Worried that you might accidentally create duplicate entries of the same candidate or job? No need to worry, CANdidates has you covered! Duplicate entries are automatically detected and prevented from being created. No command is needed.

You will be notified by the following error message in the result display when this happens:

For duplicate candidates,

This candidate already exists in the address book.

For duplicate jobs,

This job already exists in the address book.

:memo: For candidates, duplicates are defined as entries with the same name and phone number or same name and email.
:memo: For jobs, duplicates are defined as entries with the same job title and company name.
:memo: Detection and prevention of duplicates apply when adding entries as well as editing entries. This means you will not be able to edit an entry to match another entry.


:black_nib: Creating of candidates with the same name and phone will be prevented

add can n/Rob p/12345 e/rob@mail.com exp/4 doa/08-08-22

add can n/Rob p/12345 e/robby@gmail.com exp/3.5 doa/09-08-22

:black_nib: Creating of jobs with the same job title and company name will be prevented

add job n/Actor c/Hollywood Pte Ltd  p/8888 e/h@mail.com a/Serangoon v/3
add job n/Actor c/Hollywood Pte Ltd p/1234 e/g@mail.com a/Nex v/3

6.4 Auto tab switch

CANdidates is designed for fast typers like you! Switching of tabs are done automatically, smartly detected based on the command that you enter so that you do not have to spend time clicking to switch tab to see the results of your entered command! With this feature, you can simply enter any command regardless of which tab you are on!

:memo: Using view can command when on the jobs tab does not result in auto tab switch to the candidates tab. This allows you to do side by side comparison of a candidate to job listings.
:memo: Using view job command when on the candidates tab does not result in auto tab switch to the jobs tab. This allows you to do side by side comparison of a job listing to candidates.

Step by Step:

Step 1. While on the candidates tab, type find job t/Cleaner in the command box and press Enter.

Tab Switch Step 1

Step 2. The CANdidates application will show the following message in the result display

{Number of jobs found} jobs listed!

Step 3. The application will automatically direct you to the “Jobs” tab and display jobs with all matching fields in the main list.

Tab Switch Step 2

6.5 Saving the data

All data is saved in the hard disk automatically after any command that changes the data. No need worry about having to save manually!

7. FAQ

Q: How do I transfer my data to another Computer?
A: Install the app in the other computer and overwrite the sample data file it creates with the file that contains the data from your previous CANdidates root folder.

Q: Where is the data stored and how can I access it?
A: The data is stored in the “data” folder in your CANdidates root folder. The candidate data is stored in the personaddressbook.jsonfile while the job data is stored in the jobaddressbook.json file.

Q: Can I modify the data from the data files directly?
A: We recommend that you do not modify the data files unless you are an advanced user, and that you make any changes through the UI instead. In the event that the data becomes corrupted, CANdidates will start up with sample data as a fallback. There is a risk of losing all your original data should this happen. Should you still wish to modify the data files directly, we recommend that you first create a copy of the original data files as a back-up in case the data becomes corrupt after modification.

Q: I modified my existing data file and it is now corrupted. My CANdidates application started up with the sample data. How can I get my data back?
A: Currently, our application is unfortunately not able to support recovering corrupted data files. We are sorry for any inconveniences caused.

Q: How do I report a bug I encountered?
A: Send an email to developers@CANdidates.com with a description and screenshot (if relevant) of the bug. We will make sure to get back to you promptly!

Q: How can I contribute to this project?
A: You may create a pull request to this repository. Here is our developer’s guide for your reference.

8. Command Summary

This handy command summary table provides you with all the possible commands for CANdidates at one glance.

Action Candidate Format Job Format
List list can list job
Sort sort can type/FIELD_TO_SORT order/ORDER sort job type/FIELD_TO_SORT order/ORDER
Delete delete can INDEX delete job INDEX
View view can INDEX view job INDEX
Clear clear can clear job
Help help help
Exit exit exit

9. Glossary

Terms Explanation
Java Java is a widely-used programming language that developers use to create applications on computers.
GUI A GUI (Graphical User Interface) is a system of interactive visual components for computer software. It is the visible component of the software.
Input field Input to the command that the user specifies.
Cumulative Increasing in quantity by successive additions.
Hard disk Storage of information in a computer.
Root folder The top-level folder of a file system. In this context, it is the folder you put the Candidates.jar file in.
Repository Online container where your code can be stored, contributed to and managed over time.
Pull Request Formal request to merge one’s code into a larger codebase.
Bug A software bug is an error, flaw or fault in a computer program or system that causes it to produce an incorrect or unexpected result, or to behave in unintended ways.
Developer’s Guide A guide that includes extensive guidance and reference materials to aid the developer in creating applications and extensions